The genesis of the Ursynów School of Landscape Architecture
The first organizational unit he comes from Department of Landscape Architecture at the Faculty of Horticulture in Warsaw (today Department of Landscape Architecture ) was Department of Landscape Architecture and Park Studies . advice Faculty of Horticulture Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) in the 1930/1931 academic year, she entrusted a professor of architecture with the organization of the Department Franciszek Krzywda-Polkowski who at that time was the head of the Department on Faculty Architecture Warsaw University of Technology j. The seat of the plant was in Skierniewice. Earlier, in the 1929/1930 academic year, a specialization in the design and arrangement of parks and gardens was established at the Faculty of Horticulture, which began with lectures and exercises in the field of park studies conducted in the 1928/1929 academic year as part of compulsory student internships in Skierniewice.
The legal basis for establishing the specialization was the ordinance of the Ministry of Religious Denominations and Public Education of September 26, 1923. paragraph 5, in which in the preface to the plan and regulations of studies and exams for Faculty of Horticulture, Warsaw University of Life Sciences there are two main fields of study: utility and decorative . The subjects listed in the ordinance as part of the decorative field are: detailed park studies, science about creating and maintaining ornamental gardens, urban gardening, garden architecture, drawing plans, including perspective and painting.
In the 1935/1936 academic year, the specialization in landscape architecture found its seat in Warsaw in the building at Rakowiecka Street. Until 1939, the lecturers were: Prof. Franciszek Krzywda-Polkowski – plant manager, Romuald Gutt, R. Adwentowicz, K. Tomorowicz and Alina Scholtzówna , one of the first graduates of the specialization. The first graduate was Mrs. Anna Pietruszczyńska, who in 1930 presented a work entitled “ The Saxon Garden in terms of dendrology “, made under the supervision of prof. Franciszek Krzywda-Polkowski.

Collections of perennials in the park in Ursynów - at this place stands pavilion 13, the so-called "Blaszak"; in the background - building no. 8 (the so-called "Stary Ogrodniczy")
Until the outbreak of World War II, 18 MA theses were completed under the supervision of a professor. Among them, five monographic works, two works on the aesthetics of woody plant forms and their application in gardens, and eleven design works. The seat of the Institute burned down during the war, and the collections and the specialist library were destroyed. After the war, in 1945, professor Franciszek Krzywda-Polkowski started the reconstruction. During this time, nominations for assistant professors in the Department are given to: Alina Scholtzówna and Alfons Zielonko and for senior assistants K. Morvay and S. Bieńkuński. On September 29, 1949 prof. Franciszek Krzywda-Polkowski. The Council of the Faculty of Horticulture entrusted the management of the unit to Assistant Professor A. Zielonko.
On September 1, 1951, the Ministry of Higher Education, at the request of the Council of the Faculty of Horticulture, appointed The Department of Landscaping and Decorating . The management of the unit was entrusted prof. Alfons Zielonko. In 1952, as part of the reorganization of agricultural universities, two-stage studies were created, and a specialization in the field of shaping green areas in the dimension of 3 semesters was established. In view of the extensive problems of landscape architecture, this was insufficient. Thanks to professor A. Zielonka’s strenuous efforts to establish appropriate studies, giving full preparation for the profession of a landscape architect, the Main Council of Higher Education at the meeting in Zakopane in 1954. adopted a resolution to apply to the Minister of Higher Education to establish appropriate studies. The Ministry of Higher Education by the ordinance of September 1, 1954 (MSW-13 / 54-88) established Green Areas Shaping Section (SKTZ) , and by the ordinance of 01.IX.1955, (MSW-9 / 55-63) established Department of Green Areas Design which he became after the manager Prof. Władysław Niemirski, and Department of Arrangement and Conservation of Green Areas whose leadership he took over Prof. Alfons Zielonko. The scientific staff was then strengthened by the appointment on 01 November 1957. associate professor Zygmunt Hellwig who died after a short illness (24 September 1958).

View of "Old Ursynów" - 1960s
During the studies of shaping green areas, lectures were given by: Prof. J. Chmielewski (spatial planning), prof. Gerard Ciołek (history of garden art), Assoc. T. Szczęsny (nature protection), MA arch. G. From (freehand and technical drawing), MA arch. S. Bieńkuński (freehand drawing and small forms of garden architecture), Longin Majdecki, MA (history of garden art), M.D. Ludwik Lawin (composition of plants) and briefly Dr. J. Szendel and MA H. Kordus. From 1954/1955 to 1959, the section conducted 4-year studies, after which the graduates obtained the title of engineer. They had the right to enter 5-year studies and receive, after completing their diploma thesis, the title of Master of Science in Gardening In December 1956, the Section was moved to Ursynów . Green Areas Shaping Section from 1959, it had a separate five-year plan and curriculum. Each year, 15 to 30 listeners were admitted.
In 1970, there was a change in the organizational structure of the university. As part of the Section Landscaping of Green Areas (SKTZ) at the Faculty of Horticulture was established Institute of Green Areas Shaping (IKTZ) . In place of the cathedrals, respectively: Department of Green Areas Design , headed by prof. Arch. Władysław Niemirski and Department of Green Areas Arrangement and Care headed by prof. Until 1978 (until his retirement), Alfons Zielonko was periodically the head of the Institute Prof. Arch. Władysław Niemirski and prof. Dr. T. Szczęsny. The head of the Institute in 1970-1978 was prof. related Alfons Zielonko, and then until 1982 prof. Arch. Władysław Niemirski. In 1973, a second institute was established in the Section – Institute of Environmental Protection (IOŚ) whose leadership he took over Dr. Henryk Zimny .

Shrub collections - view from the side of the Crystal Hall; in the background - building no. 8 (the so-called "Stary Ogrodniczy")
On July 23, 1985 Green Areas Shaping Section has been transformed into Landscape Architecture Department (OAK) which included the existing cathedrals. In 1991, the composition of OAK was enlarged by a newly created one Independent Department of Dendrology , headed by dr hab. Marek Siewniak.
In 1984 he was the manager Design Department in Landscape Architecture was Prof. dr hab. Edward Bartman. He held this position until 1991. At that time, employees Design Department in Landscape Architecture there were: head – prof. dr hab. Edward Bartman, adjuncts: Dr. Mirosław Kiciński, Dr. Stanisław Rutkowski, Dr. Jan Rylke, Dr. Z. Sobotkowski, Dr. Przemysław Wolski, assistants: I. Jaszczak, MA, Elżbieta Myjak-Sokołowska, Andrzej Niemirski, MA, L. Pawłowska, MA, Marek Szumański, st. lecturer Janusz Skalski, MA. In the years 1992 – 1996 he was the head of the department Dr. Ind. Andrzej Niemirski. After him, in 1997–1998 this function was performed by Dr. Eng. Przemysław Wolski.
In the 1984/1985 academic year, they were teaching staff Of the Department of Landscaping and Nursing , were: manager – doc. dr hab. Longin Majdecki (he performed this function in the years 1982–1996), doc. dr hab. Marek Siewniak, assistant professors: Dr. Marek Kosmala, Dr. M. Mędrzycki, assistants: Mr. P. Głowacki, Mr. Aleksander Haber, Mr. Z. Suski, Dr. Jerzy Wojtatowicz. In 1997, Dr. hab. Marek Kosmala.
In 1998 it was established Department of Landscape Architecture (KAK) from the merger of two departments: The Department of Design in Landscape Architecture and Of the Department of Landscaping and Nursing . The head of this unit in the years 1998 – 1999 was dr inż. Przemysław Wolski. Then, in the years 2000 – 2005, this function was performed by prof. dr hab. Jan Szyszko. In the years 2006 – 2016 the head of the department was dr hab. Barbara Szulczewska, Prof. SGGW, and then from February 2017 to September 2019, the head of the Department was Dr. Jan Łukaszkiewicz. Currently, this function is performed by Dr. Marzena Suchocka.
Among the landscape architecture employees at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, the deputy dean was held successively by: doc. Julian Brzuchowski, PhD, Assoc. dr hab. Henryk Zimny, 1976–1978 doc. dr hab. Edward Bartman, 1978–1981 doc. dr hab. Marek Siewniak, 1981–1987 doc. dr hab. Longin Majdecki, 1987 doc. dr hab. Janusz Janecki, 1990–1993 dr inż. Stanisław Rutkowski, 1993–1996 dr inż. Przemysław Wolski, 1996–2000 prof. Jan Rylke, prof. SGGW, 2000–2006 dr inż. Leonard Indeka, 2006–2012 dr hab. Barbara Szulczewska, Prof. SGGW, from 2012 dr hab. Piotr Latocha, from 2016 – dr hab. Inż. Renata Giedych.
Piechna B. 1995. Historical overview of the Landscape Architecture Department[w:] Diary of the Department of Design in Landscape Architecture , Z.2. SGGW Publishing House, Warsaw: 6-8.
Wolski P. 2009. Own materials . Warsaw.

The organization of the Ursynów school of landscape architecture - diagram (developed by Dr. Jan Łukaszkiewicz)